Friday, December 02, 2016

IMARS Christmas Picnic

We had a pretty good turnout for our annual Christmas Picnic, plenty of food and a lot of good rag chewing opportunities.  Jack WD8QYU took some pictures.

The Lea family of DeLand joined us.  Their four delightful children (Zechariah WX4TVJ, Faith Hannah, AE4FH, Hope KM4IPF and Grace KM4TXT) the most impressive young hams I've met, ever.  They are home schooled and were all polite, articulate and accomplished in ham radio at their tender age.  It gives me hope for the future of Amateur Radio.  Visit their web site www.HamRadio.World. Thanks to James & Michelle for raising such impressive children and for bringing them to lend joy to our gathering.

Here are some of the pictures Jack took, THANK YOU JACK.

If you can fill in the names please do so.

Wednesday, August 03, 2016


Open the post "IMARS MEETING ON 1 AUGUST 2016"  then, scroll down below the short article about Dottie's adventures and there it is.

Sorry if it was confusing.    


Tuesday, August 02, 2016


I'm very sorry, I can't get the post back to edit it.  I forgot a very important part of Dottie's story.  The Indians gave her and Hank Indian names.

She is Morning Sun.

Hank is . . . . well DAMN!  I've lost my notes.  I think it was Running Bare . . . .  no, that was the night he had too much wine.




Hello all,

We had a pretty good turnout this week.  There was no program but we filled the hour with, interesting conversation, sea stories and tall tales.

Dottie Slauson, with help from Hank, regaled us with stories about her interest in Indian culture and some of her exploits in pursuit of that interest.  She told about having joined an outing in Arkansas when she was 65.  They lived like Indians in a teepee.  She had enough foresight to come prepared with a winter sleeping bag, a mat to soften her bed and a large piece of plastic that proved a life saver when it rained very hard and drenched those who were less prepared.

Dottie and the IMARS gang


Have you all heard of this new smart phone game that is sweeping the nation? Some of the fellas at the bar were talking about it. It sounded like harmless fun so I decided I'd give it a try.

Here's how it works. Once you have downloaded the PokemonGo app to your phone you sign up and select an “avatar” which you can personalize to whatever degree you wish.

Here is how it begins. That's my avatar. I'm standing on the corner in front of my house and looking around for Pokemon monsters. You can turn 360 degrees to see what is nearby. Although the actual buildings are not shown the perspective with regard to the streets is accurate.

When you find a monster you put your finger on him. The screen will change and you will confront the monster and get ready to flick a Pokeball at him. Here I am being confronted by the Whirligig monster.

I flicked a pokeball at him but he ducked. Another ball and he jumped. I missed him three times then finally “captured” him by hitting him directly.

I had used up my available pokeballs, now I have to find a Pokestop to get some more. In the screen below you'll see a blue post with a box above, that is a Pokestop. You can walk or drive to a nearby spot and have access to more Pokeballs and other goodies.

Pokestops are located at churches, attractions such as Trinity in Deltona or St. Anns in DeBary. There's another at the large golf ball at the entrance of the Deltona Golf Course. There are many in DeLand around “Mac's on Main” and other places.

When you get close enough this is what you'll see. Spin the circle and goodies will be dispensed.

Be patient and the new Pokeballs will float to the top of your screen and be registered. I didn't know that in the beginning and would bail out and not get the credit for the new balls. Other things are dropped also but that's for more experienced players, don't worry about them now.

If you tap on the Pokeball on the home screen you can bring up information about how you have done so far.

Tap the POKEMON ball on the home screen then the POKEMON button on the screen at the left. You will see your score and how many Pokemon you have captured, 54 out of 250 at this point in my effort. Actually I had a good hunt last night and now my total is 67 ;-)

There is a button in the upper right corner of the screen that turns on AR (Augmented Reality). Here is an AR screen shot when I encountered Pokemon “Oddish” while sitting at the bar at Gator's Dockside in DeLand. He was an easy shot and I put him in my game bag and waited but no more showed up ;-)

My next encounter was with “Rattata”  He's a vicious Pokemon, lunging and snarling.  He dodged me a couple of times but then I dispatched him with a bank shot which took him by surprise ;-)

Hey, give it a try, it is fun and I don't think it is hurting anything if you are always aware of your surroundings, don't walk out in front of a car, respect private property and sharpen your hunting skills.

Let me know what you think of all of this.


Jerry KØJH

(It's YOUR turn to write something for the next BLOG you know!!)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Tower Repair by John Watkins, G4VMR

27 Jun 2015 IMARS meeting.

John G4VMR made a slide show presentation.  Some of the slides captured from the screen by K0JH with a Droid X cell phone camera.  The quality isn't great but you'll get an idea of what was involved. The second slide is the base, rusted and threatening to fail.  John's wife Teresa, G4VSL, brought the condition to John's attention.  John's son knew some people who had the expertise to bring down the antenna, replace the base and stand the tower and antenna back up.

I gave up trying to be sure these slides are in the proper order here.

A very interesting presentation John, thank you.

Jerry K0JH for IMARS